My grandmother had a huge rhubarb growing in her garden. And as me and my sister were little girls we used to eat a lot of it! With sugar only :)
What shocked me some time ago, was seeing a clip in Jamie Oliver's School Dinners show, where he showed a bunch of UK schoolkids (about 11 of age) different vegetables and fruits to recognise. And when he picked up the rhubarb, no-one knew what it was! This was more than sad...
One sunny evening, after a long workday, i arrived home and received a gift from my neighbour Kaja - it was rhubarb from her summer-home's garden. You can imagine my happy big smile at that moment (and the little head filled with all kinds of ideas instantly!). The next day i decided to start baking, finally.
I had to go to hairdresser's that day (and i never show up there without a cake!) - so this pie was dedicated to my girls Aili and Irina. Having bought a new product - Blueberry flour - some days before, i decided to think of a way to experiment with this in the same pie.
* 375 gr flaky yeast dough
* 200 gr ricotta (or sour cream)
* 3 eggs
* 25 gr blueberry flour
* 500 ml sugar
* powdered cinnamon
* plenty of rhubarb (about 500 gr or a bit more)
At first pour some flour on the table and roll 250 gr of dough into a bit bigger size than your pan is (mine was a diam. 28 cm pan, ca 4 cm deep). Then put the 'sheet-of-dough' in the pan and leave the extra-big dough hanging over the edges of the pan. You can roll the rest of the dough at the same time, and cut it into stripes for decorating the pie later.
* 3 eggs
* 25 gr blueberry flour
* 500 ml sugar
* powdered cinnamon
* plenty of rhubarb (about 500 gr or a bit more)
At first pour some flour on the table and roll 250 gr of dough into a bit bigger size than your pan is (mine was a diam. 28 cm pan, ca 4 cm deep). Then put the 'sheet-of-dough' in the pan and leave the extra-big dough hanging over the edges of the pan. You can roll the rest of the dough at the same time, and cut it into stripes for decorating the pie later.

Peel the rhubarbs and cut into small pieces. Pour then on the dough and cover with 200 gr of sugar and a thin layer of powdered cinnamon.
Now mix the ricotta, 2 eggs, 300 gr of sugar and 25 gr of blueberry flour in a bowl and then pour it on top of the rhubarbs in the pan. It'll make a nice lilac layer.
Turn the edges of the dough on the ricotta and decorate the pie with dough-stripes. Use your imagination or do it in a classic way. Now beat the egg in a small bowl and using a brush, cover the dough with a layer.
Pre-heat your oven to 180 degrees (Celsius) and when the oven has warmed up, put the pie there for 25 minutes. Then take out and let it cool down. Even better if you could keep it in a fridge for overnight - it makes a delish pie for breakfast!
Have a rhubarbulous May! :))
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